Why Is BeReal So Popular?
Social media app BeReal has been growing in popularity since its release in 2020, as users worldwide flock to it and steadily increase the app’s number of downloads. Not only was it one of the most downloaded social media apps of 2022, it has been named the fastest-growing social media platform in the United States in 2023.
But why is BeReal so popular? If you’re thinking about marketing on BeReal, you need to understand what draws users to it. Here’s a look at why BeReal is so popular.
Why is BeReal so popular: top five factors
According to a recent report, BeReal’s ease of use is the top reason people are on it. More than one-third (34%) of BeReal users say it’s why they spend their time on the platform. This is followed by the joy they get from being on the social network—31% describe the BeReal app as fun to use.
Peers and peer influence also play a big role in BeReal's rising popularity. The third- and fourth-biggest reasons consumers use BeReal are their friends using it and the fact that the app allows them to see what their friends are doing. 29% and 25% of them list this as reasons they use BeReal, respectively. Incidentally, keeping in touch with friends and family ranks first on the list of the main uses of social media. Nearly half of all consumers say it’s why they are on social networks.
Rounding out the five biggest reasons BeReal is so popular is its ability to make users feel connected to others. 24% of BeReal users cite it as a motivation to use the app.
Why is BeReal so popular: other factors
The authenticity of its content is another reason BeReal is so popular. One out of every five BeReal users says it’s why they use the app. The ability to evoke nostalgia is also a main driver of the social network’s popularity—18% of users claim they use BeReal because it allows them to revisit old memories.
Not having to spend as much time on it as other social apps is also a reason BeReal is so popular. 15% of users say it’s why they enjoy the social network. BeReal’s ad- and filter-free features are also popular among its users, with 10% listing them as reasons they spend time on the platform.