Chart of the Top Social Media Marketing Platforms

Top Social Media Marketing Platforms

There’s no question that social media marketing plays a key role in a business's digital exposure. With 5.17 billion social media users worldwide, it’s an effective way to get your brand seen and heard. 

With so many options available, it's essential to identify which platforms can effectively reach your target audience and provide the best return on investment (ROI). This article will explore the top social media marketing platforms used by marketers and examine which platforms deliver the highest ROI.

Top 10 social media marketing platforms marketers use

Social media marketing platform

Percentage of marketers who use the social media platform

1. Facebook


2. Instagram


3. YouTube


4. TikTok


5. Twitter/X


6. LinkedIn


7. Snapchat


8. Pinterest


9. Twitch


10. Tumblr


The survey results indicate that the more users a platform has, the more popular it is among marketers. This correlation is clear as a large user base helps to increase brand awareness and reach, making platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube top choices for marketing efforts.

1. Facebook (57%)

Used by 57% of brands, Facebook remains the top social media platform for marketing due to its vast user base and versatile advertising options. With over three billion Facebook users, the network offers unparalleled reach and advanced targeting capabilities, making it ideal for brand awareness and customer engagement.

2. Instagram (55%)

Survey results show that 55% of marketers use the popular photo- and video-sharing app to promote their business. Instagram's visual nature and high engagement rates attract brands looking to connect with younger audiences. With 1.4 billion users in 2024, Instagram's features like Stories, Reels, and shoppable posts provide innovative ways for brands to showcase their products and drive sales. Engagement rates for influencer activities on Instagram are also relatively high, at 7.4%, second only to YouTube’s 8.2%.

3. YouTube (52%)

As the second-largest search engine, YouTube is essential for video marketing and ranks third on the list of the top social media marketing platforms. Its extensive user base of 933.4 million people worldwide (and growing) allows brands to reach diverse audiences through engaging video content, tutorials, and influencer partnerships, driving substantial traffic and conversions.

4. TikTok (44%)

TikTok's rapid growth in recent years and viral nature have made it a favorite for brands targeting Gen Z. Just shy of one billion users, TikTok's short-form video content and powerful algorithm enable brands to reach large audiences quickly and creatively.

5. Twitter/X (39%)

Despite Twitter’s shrinking user base, the social network, rebranded as X, remains a vital platform for real-time engagement and customer service. Its 335.7 million users make it one of the top social media marketing platforms, used by 39% of brands. The Twittersphere participates in trending conversations, making it an effective channel for brands to connect with audiences and build their online presence.

6. LinkedIn (37%)

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketing, with more than 800 million users. Unlike the other platforms on this list, LinkedIn is intended more for the professional space and caters to the corporate world more than the other networks. Ideal for networking, lead generation, and establishing industry authority, LinkedIn's environment makes it perfect for targeting decision-makers and industry professionals.

7. Snapchat (22%)

Snapchat appeals to younger demographics with its ephemeral content and creative filters. With 414 million users, brands can leverage Snapchat for authentic, behind-the-scenes content that resonates especially well with Gen Z and Millennials.

8. Pinterest (21%)

Pinterest is a visual discovery engine with close to half a billion users, popular for its ability to drive traffic and sales. Brands in the fashion, home decor, and food industries find Pinterest particularly effective for reaching audiences looking for inspiration and products. It’s worth noting that more than one-third of Pinterest users use the platform to research brands and products.

9. Twitch (16%)

Twitch, primarily known for gaming, is popular for its live-streaming format, which allows brands to engage with audiences in real time. This unique feature makes it suitable for gaming-related products and interactive marketing campaigns.

10. Tumblr (9%)

Rounding out the top social media marketing platforms is Tumblr. The network offers a unique platform for niche communities and creative expression. Brands can use Tumblr for content marketing and community building, although its user base is smaller compared to the other social media marketing platforms on this list.

Top social media marketing platforms (by ROI)

Chart showing: Top social media marketing platforms (by ROI)

Social media marketing platform

Return on investment

1. Facebook


2. Instagram


3. YouTube


4. TikTok


5. Twitter/X


6. LinkedIn


7. Snapchat


8. Pinterest


9. Twitch


10. Tumblr


Now that we’ve explored the top social media market platforms used by brands, we need to answer the question: Which social media platform is best for marketing? To answer that, we need to look at the return on investment (ROI) of each social media platform.

Facebook and Instagram lead the best social media marketing platforms, with both platforms tied at 29% ROI. The Meta-owned platforms’ extensive user bases and sophisticated ad targeting tools make them ideal for driving conversions and maximizing advertising budgets. Facebook's diverse demographic reach and Instagram's high engagement rates provide significant returns for brands investing in these platforms.

YouTube follows closely with a 26% ROI. The platform's focus on video content, coupled with its vast audience, allows brands to create compelling narratives that drive viewer engagement and loyalty. YouTube's search functionality also helps brands reach users actively seeking their content.

TikTok has quickly become a powerful marketing tool, boasting a 24% ROI. Its algorithm promotes viral content, enabling brands to achieve rapid visibility and engagement. The platform's popularity among younger audiences makes it an excellent choice for brands targeting this demographic.

Twitter (now X) and LinkedIn both deliver a 16% ROI. Twitter's real-time interaction capabilities and LinkedIn's professional networking opportunities provide distinct advantages for brands. Twitter tends to excel in customer engagement and trending topics, while LinkedIn is the leading social network for B2B marketing and industry authority building.

Other platforms like Snapchat and Pinterest have lower ROIs of 6%, but they still offer valuable opportunities for niche marketing and creative campaigns. Twitch and Tumblr lag behind with 5% and 2% ROI, respectively, but can be effective for specific audiences and unique content strategies.

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