Beach pictures

Relax in our sunny collection of beach photos. You’ll find royalty-free images of stunning seaside sunsets, white sand beaches, clear blue oceans, powerful waves, beach pictures with people, starfish, conch shells, seashells, boats, and more.

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love written in stones

Love Written In Stones

wise pug thinking about the world

Wise Pug Thinking About The World

cool friends & hot sand

Cool Friends & Hot Sand

warm sunny palmtrees

Warm Sunny Palmtrees

beach bike path

Beach Bike Path

hand tossing pebbles

Hand Tossing Pebbles

feet in beach sand

Feet In Beach Sand

a woman in a flowing beach robe walks along the beach

A Woman In A Flowing Beach Robe Walks Along The Beach

watching the water

Watching the Water

swimmers enjoy crystal water shallows

Swimmers Enjoy Crystal Water Shallows

young woman in bikini laughs with friends

Young Woman In Bikini Laughs With Friends

summer beach smiles

Summer Beach Smiles

fishing boat in thailand

Fishing Boat In Thailand

lakeside beach chairs

Lakeside Beach Chairs

binoculars looking at ocean

Binoculars Looking At Ocean

busy beach

Busy Beach

bright blue waters and red sandy shores

Bright Blue Waters And Red Sandy Shores

railay beach krabi thailand

Railay Beach Krabi Thailand

colorful sunset reflected in textured beach sand

Colorful Sunset Reflected In Textured Beach Sand

travel written in sand

Travel Written In Sand

australian beach and clear ocean

Australian Beach And Clear Ocean

woman in a sweater smiles as she leans against a fence

Woman In A Sweater Smiles As She Leans Against A Fence

drones-eye view of a beach

Drones-Eye View Of A Beach

woman watching beach sunrise

Woman Watching Beach Sunrise

two women warming up on the beach

Two Women Warming Up On The Beach

young woman takes selfie while sitting on sunny beach

Young Woman Takes Selfie While Sitting On Sunny Beach

full rainbow over rocks and water

Full Rainbow Over Rocks And Water

margaritas on the beach

Margaritas On The Beach

tropical beach sunrise

Tropical Beach Sunrise

heart in vacation sand

Heart In Vacation Sand

turquoise blue ocean waters along jungle covered cliffside

Turquoise Blue Ocean Waters Along Jungle Covered Cliffside

person stands on rocks poking out of the ocean shoreline

Person Stands On Rocks Poking Out Of The Ocean Shoreline

the lonely surfboard

The Lonely Surfboard

a secluded beach surrounded by cliffs

A Secluded Beach Surrounded By Cliffs

sunbathers enjoy the beach

Sunbathers Enjoy The Beach

beach view by drone

Beach View By Drone

womans feet in sand with waves

Womans Feet In Sand With Waves

clear blue water crawls over the white sandy beach

Clear Blue Water Crawls Over The White Sandy Beach

adventure written in sand

Adventure Written In Sand

tropical ocean boat

Tropical Ocean Boat

sunrise over barcelona beach

Sunrise Over Barcelona Beach

kites on beach in california

Kites On Beach In California

person fishing on the beach is silhouetted at sunset

Person Fishing On The Beach Is Silhouetted At Sunset

two women run along a sunset beach

Two Women Run Along A Sunset Beach

beach yoga pose- in sand at sunset

Beach Yoga Pose- In Sand At Sunset

vacation written on beach

Vacation Written On Beach

silhouette with pink and purple sky

Silhouette With Pink And Purple Sky

holiday hotel unpacking

Holiday Hotel Unpacking

flag on a wooden stick in the sand

Flag On A Wooden Stick In The Sand

ocean waves on beach

Ocean Waves On Beach

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Most everything you need to get started — photos, suppliers, and more

Stunning Beach Pictures and Travel Photography

Travel photography is one of the most interesting genres of photographic journalism. As far as the subjects covered - the genre is one of the most open. Travel photographers are visual artists who specialize in capturing the essence of a time and place through the lens of a visitor observing a location and its culture.

From wide-shots of white sand beaches to action shots of intense weather patterns to serene photos of your personal tropical paradise complete with stunning shots of beach-fronts and surfs - travel photography is a truly diverse and fascinating art

Turning Your Vacation Photos into Art

The art of travel photography is so much more than simply snapping shots on location. Framing, timing, color and composition all have a significant role to play in truly capturing the character of your location.

Framing a Tropical Island

When photographers talk about “framing” an image they’re talking about using the objects around the subject you’re capturing to situate them and draw the viewer’s attention to them. Surrounding palm trees, rocks, branches and even doors or windows are great way to do this. You’ll want to be mindful of what surrounds your subject and use it to your advantage.

For example, maybe you’re on the ocean in the middle of the caribbean snapping shots of bottlenose dolphins bouncing up and down over the water. A stagnant shot of this scene would be great - but what might really put the photo over-the-edge would be managing to frame the dolphin against the backdrop of a tropical island or even the decor of the boat.

Colors of the Surf and the Ocean

Color is an important aspect in any photography - but in travel photography it’s especially important. Remember that the colors in your photographs can set the mood and convey the character of the location.

If you’re snapping shots of a tropical surf in Hawaii for example - it would make sense to use bright, saturated blues, yellows, and pinks. Whereas if you’re photographing the country-side of Scotland - more muted greys and soft greens would make more sense.

It’s no secret that colors opposite each other on the color wheel]( play well together - but with photographs of real scenes, you’re not able to alter the colours of objects (at least not until post-production). Similar to framing - finding the right colours to play off each other is about having an artistic eye and being able to spot scenes and compositions in real life that can play off each other.

When travelling - you want to keep an eye out for scenes with contrasting colours that you can incorporate into your shots. Beaches, surfs, islands, cities and nature reserves are great places to find colours that naturally play off of each other.