Chart showing the top activities people do when listening to podcasts

When Do People Listen to Podcasts?

In 2024, podcast ad revenues in the United States are expected to reach $3.2 billion, marking a 42.7% annual increase. This rapid growth reflects how podcasts are becoming a staple in the daily lives of millions of consumers. In fact, recent data on US podcast listener numbers show that consumption is also on the rise, with rising numbers of Americans tuning in at least once a week. 

For businesses, understanding when and how people listen to podcasts is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies and maximizing engagement. In this post, we’ll explore how people listen to podcasts—more specifically, the activities they carry out while tuned in.

How do people listen to podcasts: Top activities while tuning in

Activities people do when listening to podcasts

Percentage of podcast listeners who do the following when listening to podcasts

While doing household chores


While commuting to/from work


While working out/doing sport


While cooking/baking


While being out for a walk


While running errands


Before going to sleep/while sleeping


At work


While eating


While waiting in line


According to one report, as many as 94% of podcast listeners multitask when listening. In fact, this multitasking aspect ranks among the top reasons people enjoy podcasts. This seamless integration of audio content into consumers’ daily routines allows them to stay informed, entertained, and inspired without having to dedicate specific time blocks solely to podcast consumption. 

But what do people actually keep their hands busy with when they listen to podcasts?

Things to do while listening to a podcast

Recent data shows that close to half (49%) of podcast listeners tune in while doing household chores. This trend highlights the versatility of podcasts as they provide a means to make mundane tasks more enjoyable or productive. Whether it’s cleaning, organizing, or doing laundry, listeners can engage with audio content at the same time, transforming these routine activities into more enjoyable experiences. This presents an opportunity for brands to place advertisements for home improvement products, cleaning supplies, or household gadgets in podcasts, ensuring that their message reaches an attentive and relevant audience.

Commuting is another prime time for podcast listening, with 42% of listeners tuning in during their journeys to and from work. Many people also listen to podcasts while working out or meal prepping in the kitchen, with 29% of listeners engaging in these activities.

Walking and running errands are also common activities during which people listen to podcasts, with around one out of every four listeners doing so. This can be a valuable insight for brands that target outdoor enthusiasts or promote products related to health and wellness.

More than one in five listeners tune into podcasts before going to sleep or while sleeping. Products like sleep masks, calming teas, or meditation apps can be effectively advertised in podcasts that cater to bedtime routines, helping listeners unwind and prepare for sleep.

Listening to podcasts at work is also common, with 15% of listeners tuning in while on the job. Eating is another activity during which 14% of people listen to podcasts. Last but not least, 11% of listeners tune into podcasts while waiting in line.

When do people listen to podcasts: Leveraging this data

The rising popularity of podcasts presents a significant opportunity for businesses to connect with their audiences in meaningful ways. By understanding how and when people listen to podcasts, brands can tailor their marketing strategies to align with listeners’ routines and preferences. Whether it’s targeting commuters, fitness enthusiasts, or home cooks, leveraging podcast listening data can enhance advertising effectiveness and drive greater engagement.

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